District Consent to Serve Form

2024 District Consent to Serve Form


If you wish to run for office, please fill out this form and return it to the District Committee on Nominations Chair. Please print or type the information requested below:


Name _________________________________________

Current Professional Credentials: __________________


MNA Membership No. _______________ Member of District #: ___

Date MNA Membership Started: ________


Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________


City ________________________________________   State _______  Zip _______________________________


PHONE: Home ________________________Work _________________________ Cell:____________________



Circle Preferred Email: Work or Personal


I want my name placed on the ballot for(position):



I consent to serve for the following term (dates): ______________________________

EDUCATION: List formal education degrees awarded, year awarded & institution from which awarded degree:





Current Certifications & Date of Expiration:



Current Employer & Job Title:



Current offices you hold in nursing organizations (specify local, state, national)








If elected to the above office, I promise to serve the District Nurses Association (DNA) to the best of my ability in the promotion of the platform adopted by the DNA membership in the best interest of nurses and nursing in Maryland.


Candidate Signature & Date__________________________________________________________________


District President Signature & Date: ________________________________________________________


Please submit this form plus 1) A description (200 words or less) about why you are interested in serving and what qualifies you for the office/position. Please send the essay in a separate Word document. 2) OPTIONAL: email a head & shoulder photo (JPEG format) Return to District CON chair who in turn will forward to MNA CON & MNA ED