ANA & MNA Personal Benefits

As a nurse, ANA, and MNA member, you are committed to providing superior care to your patients. It is your passion, and you invest all of your energy in your work. But who is taking care of you while you take care of others? Through ANA’s Personal Benefits, we are here to help with five important programs that every nurse must consider. ANA has carefully screened partners committed to providing ANA member nurses with great value, and we make it easy to cover yourself in these critical areas.

Nurses Service Organization (NSO) has a 45+ year history defending nursing professionals from allegations of medical malpractice and licensing complaints filed with the state boards of nursing. With over 500,000 nursing professionals insured and 60+ professional nursing association partners, we are the premier administrator of nurses’ malpractice insurance in the U.S. We invite you to explore our website, receive a quick rate quote and browse case studies and articles in our Learning Center. While in the Learning Center, you will find our 4th Nurses Claim Report. It provides statistical data and analysis of malpractice and licensing claims, as well as recommendations on how you can avoid potential problems in your practice.


Claim Report: