2024 MNA & District Elections
A Report from the MNA Committee on Nominations (CON):
Electing your association leaders at both the District and State levels of the organization is one of your fundamental rights in a membership organization. Since 2019, MNA and District elections have been electronic for members with a valid email address on file with ANA.This makes it much easier for members to exercise this basic right. Unfortunately, most members are not engaged in the election of their District and MNA leaders. In last year’s election, there were 4,266 eligible electronic voters and only 425 cast a ballot in the 2023 MNA Elections, which is 10 percent of the eligible voters. This was slightly higher than past MNA elections, which have had less than 10 percent of members voting for many years and has been decreasing each year until 2023. District election participation varied from a high of almost 20 percent to slightly more than 5.5 percent of the District’s membership. Smaller districts had higher voter participation percentages of their membership than the larger districts. MNA CON and District CON members will recruit candidates for District and State elected positions in 2024. Please exercise your right to elect the association leadership in 2024 by voting and consider being a candidate for a district or state leadership opportunity.
It is time to start preparing for the 2024 MNA and District elections. The 2024 MNA Committee on Nominations (CON) had its first meeting in January 2024 to review the MNA Annual Election Process Timeline, the MNA CON Standing Rules, MNA positions to be elected in 2024, as well as the positions to be elected in each District in an even-numbered year. The MNA CON elected Terrie Roth (D1) as the Chair of the MNA CON for 2024 and Donna Downing-Corddry (D3) as the Vice-Chair. At the March MNA CON meeting Chair Roth regrettably informed the MNA CON that she must step down as the Chair as she could not fulfill the responsibilities due to unanticipated increased professional demands in her life. Per the MNA Standing Rules for the MNA CON, Vice Chair Downing-Corddry has become the Chair. District #1 Member Roth has agreed to be the Vice-Chair as she was in 2023; there was concurrence from the MNA CON members.
According to MNA Bylaws, the annual election must start No Later Than (NLT) 60 days before the annual membership meeting, which will be convened in-person on September 26 &27, 2024 in Annapolis. The MNA election must end NLT 30 days before the annual membership meeting. The 2024 MNA & District elections will start on July 26, 2024 and end on August 27, 2024.
There will be two MNA leadership opportunities on the MNA Board of Directors (BOD) for qualified members in 2024 which are:
MNA President-Elect: Serves a one-year term starting in November 2024 and ends in December 2025 and transitions to the President for two-years (2026 & 2027), and then succeeds to Immediate Past President for a year (2028).
The president shall:
- Serve as chairperson of the MNA BOD and the Executive Committee.
- Be the principal representative of the association and serve as its spokesperson on policy and position established by the MNA BOD.
- Preside at all meetings of the Association.
- Serve as ex-officio member of all committees except the Committee on Nominations.
- Delegate appropriate duties to the Chief Staff Officer.
- Annually appoint committee chairpersons with the approval of the MNA BOD.
- Represent MNA at the ANA Leadership Council.
- The president-elect and/or immediate past president shall serve as a member of the Legislative Committee.
Secretary: Serves a two-year term from November 2024 to December 2026
The Secretary shall:
- Record the proceedings of all MNA BOD, Executive Committee, annual membership, and special meetings to include the number of MNA members present at membership meetings and what percentage of the membership that number currently reflects.
- Provide each member of the MNA BOD and Executive Committee with a copy of the minutes.
There will also be elections for two MNA Officer Representatives to the ANA Membership Assembly for a 2-year term, (2025 – 2026). Most of the six current MNA Officers (President, Past President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Treasurer-Elect) will be asked if they want to be a candidate for these two elected positions.
All candidates for MNA Offices must be a joint member in good standing of MNA and ANA and actively involved with District and/or State activities (committees and/or BOD) for the past three years. Please contact your District member of the MNA CON or the MNA Interim Executive Director for details on responsibilities for each elected position and what must be included in the candidate package, which must be received by MNA NLT June 26, 2024.
The MNA CON has an elected representative from each of the eight MNA Districts: District #1 – Terri Roth, District #2 – Linda Stierle, District #3 – Donna Downing-Corddry, District #4 – Vacant, District #5 – Carol Holness, District #7 – Bijoy Mahanti, District #8 – Sharan Koza, and District #9 – Ginger Winder.
Each of the District Nurses Associations (DNA) will also have leadership opportunities which will vary from one district to another each year according to their District Bylaws and leadership vacancies. They are as follows:
4 Directors
3 District #1Committee on Nominations (CON) Members
District #1Member to the MNA CON for 1 year
3 Directors
District #2 Member of MNA CON
2 District #2 Committee on Nominations Members
2 Directors
2 District #3 Committee on Nominations Members
3 Directors for two years
District #4 Member to the MNA CON
3 District Committee on Nominations Members
2 Directors
3 Directors
2 District #7 Committee on Nominations Members
2 Directors
District 8 Member of MNA CON
2 District #8 Committee on Nominations Members
2 Directors
2 District #9 Committee on Nominations Members
President – Elect shall (4 year total commitment: 1 year as President-Elect):
1) Assume all duties of the president in the absence of the president.
2) Become president for the remainder of the president’s unexpired term in
the event that a vacancy occurs in the office of the president
President shall (2-years as President):
- Serve as chairperson of the BOD and the Executive Committee.
- Be the principal representative of the District and serve as its spokesperson on policy and position established by the BOD.
- Preside at all meetings of District.
- Serve as ex-officio member of all committees except the Committee on Nominations.
- Annually appoint committee chairpersons with the approval of the BOD.
- Attend meetings of the District Presidents of the MNA.
- Prepare the Annual District Report for the MNA.
Immediate past president shall (1-year as Past President):
- Serve as a consultant to the president during the first year of
president’s term.
- Assume all duties of the president in the absence of the president.
- Become president for the remainder of the president’s first year in office in the event a vacancy occurs in the office of the president.
Secretary shall:
- Keep minutes of all meetings of the District and the BOD.
- Conduct general correspondence of the District and the BOD.
- Provide for the maintenance of all District meeting minutes and related documents in a place/manner accessible to District Board members.
Treasurer shall:
- Be accountable for the fiscal affairs of the District and shall provide written reports and interpretation of such reports to the District BOD and members.
- Develop a District budget annually for BOD approval.
- Serve as a member of the MNA Committee on Finance.
Each Director Shall:
- In conjunction with their District President provide written District Reports
for the MNA BOD meetings.
- Provide feedback to the DNA BOD and members from MNA BOD and
other meetings.
District Committee on Nominations (CON) Shall:
- Help develop slate of candidates for DNA positions to be elected each
year and ensure a complete candidate application package for each District candidate.
- Keep DNA member of the MNA CON updated on progress in developing
District Slate of Candidates.
District Member of the MNA CON Shall:
1) Help develop slate of candidates for MNA officer positions to be
2) Assist with maintaining email addresses for all District members.
3) Assist with preparation of MNA & District mailed ballots when needed.
4) Develop DNA slate of candidates for DNA positions to be elected each year and
ensure a complete candidate application package for each District candidate
to be submitted to MNA by the requested date.
5) Attend MNA CON meetings, respond to requests for information and action,
and keep MNA CON Chair updated on progress.
6) Attend DNA 1 BOD meetings keeping them informed of District and MNA
Election Progress.